3 Way Matching in Odoo 14

3-Way matching functionality comes in handy to determine the validity of the vendor bill and to determine whether it should be paid. The feature allows you to compare the data appearing on the purchase order, receipt, and vendor's bill. It also prevents the customer from paying fake vendor bills.

Firstly we have to enable it from the settings of the Purchase Module.
Go to Purchase - Configuration - Settings - Invoicing - 3-way matching: purchases, receptions, and bills
Then click the “Save” button.

When we activate this option in the settings, data will be updated in the vendor bill, whether the bill ‘should be paid’ or not.

We have three default options here:
Yes: Pay the bill, you have received the quantity of product.
No: Don't pay the bill because you have not received the product.
Exception: Difference in the ordered, billed, and received quantities of products.

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