Odoo 14 Purchase Agreement ( Call for Tender )

A Call for Tender is a special procedure to request offers from multiple vendors to obtain the most interesting price. In Odoo, the creation and management of purchase tenders are simply executed in the ‘Purchase’ module.

For this feature to work, go to Purchases ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings and activate the Purchase Agreements feature.

To use this feature go to Purchases ‣ Purchase Agreements.

Create a new purchase agreement, access the Agreement Type drop-down menu, and select Call for Tender.

When you are satisfied with your purchase agreement, confirm it will move from Draft to Confirmed and a new RFQs/Orders appears in the top right corner of the document.

The various RFQs and orders linked to the Call for Tenders will be under the RFQs/Orders button where you can select and confirm the best offer. Once you’re done with your Call for Tender don’t forget to close it. Once an RFQ is confirmed all other RFQ's will be automatically canceled.

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Purchase Management in Odoo 14: https://youtu.be/JYnDgx-w4Zs
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How to Set Warnings While Purchasing in Odoo 14: https://youtu.be/uMz3oVRuWZ8
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Vendor Pricelist in Odoo 14: https://youtu.be/cvEKQ36iJ6o
Goods Receipt Confirmation of an Order in Odoo 14: https://youtu.be/Ul4a1HAmt6E
Odoo 14 Purchase Agreement (Blanket Order): https://youtu.be/I74b3ab3jiE
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Odoo 14 Purchase Dashboard: https://youtu.be/cjrwxiC7SpQ
Odoo 14 Dropshipping: https://youtu.be/GG9HGo-h7js
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